South Texas (STX) ARES is led by our Section Emergency Coordinator Jeff Walter KE5FGA

STX District Map Aug 2023 Jeff has appointed the following ARES Leaders:

  • ASEC Digital - OPEN
  • ASEC HF Nets - David Fanelli KB5PGY
  • ASEC Web - Dallas Mellichamp N4DDM
  • ASEC Section Traffic Manager - Sheree Horton WM5N
  • ASEC Advisor - Stuart Wolfe KF5NIX
  • ASEC Advisor - Tom Whiteside N5TW
  • ASEC Advisor - Lee Cooper W5LHC
  • DEC 1 - Keith Brandt WD9GET
  • DEC 2 - Skip Straus W5TXT
  • DEC 3 - Rene Lopez, Jr. KF5KYL
  • DEC 4 - OPEN
  • DEC 5 - Mike Wisby KA5HIA
  • DEC 6 - Joseph Craft KI5IQE
  • DEC 7 - Terry Jones K5LGV
  • DEC 8 - OPEN
    • ADEC - Riley Carruthers W5RLY
  • DEC 9 - Kirk Mahaney N5WKM
  • DEC 10 - John Taylor KE5HAM
  • DEC 11 - Was absorbed by other districts
  • DEC 12 - L Ruth Lewis KE5MHJ
    • ADEC Digital/Winlink Ralph Ward W5RMW
  • DEC 13 - Victor Gunnoe AF5OS
  • DEC 14 - Sherwin Klemp K5SEK
  • DEC 15 - Ross Rogers W3OQ
    • ADEC Dr. David Woolweaver K5RAV 

Note:  The above call signs link to their QRZ bio page, use your QRZ login to view their bio and email address.

This ARES Leadership Report was last updated on 02-Jan-2024