Below is an excerpt from an email from an ARRL Section Manager that should be a wake-up call for ALL of us to join the ARRLSTX and STXARES email groups so our ARRL Leadership has a backup email system to contact you.  Currently, the and possibly the email systems are down. 

For the few ARRL members that have signed up to get Division and Section News your ARRL Director and Section Manager cannot email you using the ARRL email system until it is fully restored.  It doesn't matter what email address the ARRL has on file for you.

To Join our Email List:

I encourage those using addresses to update them to a real email address you check often.

For ARRL Members Only

 As you may know, various IT systems at ARRL have been down for nearly three weeks due to an outage that began on or about May 15.  My May 21 newsletter was not sent out through the ARRL mail system and I am not currently able to directly communicate with members except by entering individual email addresses. Because the ARRL email system is down I cannot communicate with 2812 NC ARRL members who receive my newsletters through the ARRL mail system.