Mr. David Fanelli, KB5PGY, has accepted the position of 3873 Texas ARES Net Manager. David replaces Mr. Mark Mireles AD5CA who has served this position since October 2016. Both gentlemen also serve as a net control in the monthly rotation.

The 3873 net is held on Monday each week immediately following the Texas Traffic Net at about 7:30 PM.

A bit about David.

Mr. Fanelli has been licensed in the Amateur Radio Service since April 1991 and held an Amateur Extra Class license since September 1991.

David is also an active Volunteer Examiner in the ARRL/VEC who has participated in over 470 test sessions since accreditation in October 1991. He also acts as the VE Liaison for both the Clear Lake Amateur Radio Club and Johnson Space Center ARC and has held that position since July 1996.

Mr. Fanelli has been active in public service events and local ARES organizations since 1991 and presently is the Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Training for the Harris County – Southeast Unit. He also holds the Official Relay Station designation for his activities in the National Traffic System.

Professionally, Mr. Fanelli earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering in August 1996. He has worked at the Johnson Space Center in the capacity of software engineer for Lockheed Martin, Hamilton Sundstrand, and Jacobs Technology since February 1997 in both a facility testing International Space Station Guidance, Navigation, and Control flight software and at the Energy Systems Test Area. He has earned both a Group Achievement Award and a Space Flight Awareness Team Award from NASA Headquarters for his efforts in software development for tests at the Energy Systems Test Area.

We will be looking for additional net control and scheduled relay staff as we move forward.

This appointment is effective September 5, 2022. 

Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA


RACES 16-201-U